Every student, from the early learners to grade 12 students, is considered an artist as they engage in the processes of creating, presenting, responding, and connecting with art. The York Country Day Schooll Visual Arts Curriculum highlights and nurtures the inherent creativity in every student while fostering their artistic development through the Studio Habits of Mind (SHoM) within the Teaching for Artistic Behavior (TAB) framework. TAB is a learner-directed approach that accommodates diverse learners through choice and flexibility, allowing exploration across studio centers such as drawing, painting, and sculpture, while SHoM encourages students to think like artists by emphasizing the learning process over the final product.
Throughout the year, students explore various artists, art movements, styles, techniques, and materials, and have opportunities to create and exhibit their work within the YCDS community. Each student maintains an art portfolio to track the progression of their work and reflect on their artistic journey.